About the Festival and the Organisers

Inspiration and Enthusiasm

This Festival of Commoning is a shot-in-the-dark, hoping to seed a movement.

It started with Dil Green of Mutual Credit Services and the support of Stroud Commons, LowImpact.org and the Credit Commons Society.

The further support of thirty or so wonderful people who responded to a crowdfunder in March made it real.

It wouldn’t have got much further without the support of Tony Dobson and the dedicated efforts of Ronan Murphy.

Thanks are also due to Mark Thomas, who agreed to play when we had almost nothing set up. Cheers Mark!

As well as helping build engagement, Sue Bell of LifeJourneys has provided some money for bursaries for community projects to attend, and is fundraising for more. PLEASE, get in touch if you can help with this.


The Festival is set up as a company limited by guarantee - no shares. Any profits we may make (we’ve set the ticket prices as low as we dare, aiming for something just above a break-even!) will be put towards doing something better next year.

The aim is to build the future of the Festival itself as a Commons. In January next year, we’ll invite everyone who has been involved to some zoom events and figure out how to move forward with that.

Want to know more? Is there something wrong with this site? Get in touch!


  • The event will be held at the Trinity Rooms Community Hub on both days.

    The Comedy of the Commons event on Saturday will be at the Landsdown Hall

  • Long Stay Car Park

    Parliament St Parking

    Church St Short Stay Car Park

    Five Valleys Car Park

    Stroud Multi-Storey

    Cheapside Car Park

  • See the page on Travel & Stay, which you can access through the menu on the top of the page.

  • See the page on Travel & Stay, which you can access from the menu on the top of the page.